Research Details
Work mainly involved Extraction,Purification,Analysis and Characterization of Natural products and Trace elemental analysis. Following is the data related to each project:
- Project titled Role of Alkali metal cations in Organic synthesis funded by UGC during 1995-97 was sanctioned to Dr.N.J.Reddy with a grant of Rs.0.14 Lakh.
- DST, New Delhi funded project titled Phytochemistry and Medicinal Chemistry of Orchidaceae Species was sanctioned to Dr.V.Anuradha during 1995-98.Initially the work was done at Acharya Nagarjuna University (2 years) and later transferred and completed in this Department. Project cost is Rs.4.16 Lakhs.
- AICTE, New Delhi funded project titled Development of analytical methods with special reference to trace metals and ligands of pharmaceutical importance was sanctioned to Dr.L.Ramadevi during 1999-2001 Project cost is Rs.3 lakhs.
- Project titled Phytochemistry and biological activity of Acanthaceae species funded by AICTE during 1999-2001 was sanctioned to Dr.N.J.Reddy.Project cost is Rs.4.6 Lakhs.
- UGC, New Delhi funded project titled Phytochemistry and biological activity of Cuscuta chinensis was sanctioned to Dr.N.J.Reddy during 2003-06 with a Project fellow. Project cost is Rs.4.26 Lakhs.