Message from the HoD

The Department of Chemistry, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur is one of its kinds as the best in academics in Engineering Colleges of Andhra Pradesh. On behalf of the department faculty, staff and students, it gives me immense pleasure to introduce the department, its facilities along with its various activities carried out in our college. The department has been functioning since 1985 and Post-graduation in Chemistry was offered during 2002-2009 of which many of our alumni are now faculty members in various reputed Universities and educational Institutions. Many leading positions in Industry, both in India and abroad, are occupied by our alumni. All our faculty members are pioneering researches in their own areas. Many contribute actively through commitment to academic in Teaching and Research. The department staff published 232 papers in reputed National and International Journals with high impact value (SCI, Scopus and Web of Science) and also published International books. So far our staff got good number of research projects (sanctioned and completed) in UGC, AICTE and DST etc. Our faculty got good number of research awards in India and Abroad for their excellent contribution in research and some faculty got post-doctoral research experience in India and Abroad through CSIR, department of Environmental and forests and Department of energy, USA. The department is planning international conferences for every two years with our different specialized faculty members.