Designation: Associate Professor
Date of Birth:09-01-77
Total teaching experience in this college: 22 Years and 4 Months.
Total experience : 25 Years and 4 Months. (as on 14-02-2025)
Research Experience:8 Years
Research Interests: Organo Analytical Chemistry
M.Sc.,B.E.d.,M.Phil., Ph.D
Teaching Experience:
Publons Citations
No. of Papers published in Journals:11International: 07
Journal: 04
- Dr.M.Murali, Associate Professor, published a paper titled "Intramolecular Cyclization of N- hydroxyl-3-phenylpropanamides and N-hydroxy-4-phenylbutanamides" in UGC recognized Science and Technology Journal, Vol 11, Issue 1, p 46-54 2023.
- Dr.M.Murali, published a paper entitled "Synthesis of 3-methylthioimidazo[1,2-a]pyridines derivatives' in Chemical Data Collections, ELSEVIER 31(2021) 100632.
- Dr.M.Murali, Assoc.Prof., Dept. of Chemistry published a paper entitled "Excess Molar Volumes and Speed of Sound of P-methylacetophenone with Chloroethanes and ethenes at 303.15k in Recent Developments and Application of Physico-Chemical Characterization Techniques" on 4th January, 2019 in KY Publications with ISBN No.978-93-87769-43-4.
- Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry "A RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous estimation of Silymarin and Thiamine in bulk and pharmaceutical forms" 2012,5(12),1440-43.
- International Journal of ChemTech Research "Simultaneous determination of Terbutaline and Bromhexine in combined pharmaceutical dosage form by RP-HPLC method" 2012,4(1),240-246.
- International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences "Development and Validation of LC method for the estimation of Letrozole in pharmaceutical dosage form" 2011,2(3),1047-1051.
- Journal of Pharmacy Research "A RP-HPLC method for the estimation of Ritonavir in pharmaceutical dosage forms" 2011,4(9),3049-3051.
- International Journal of Research and Reviews in Pharmacy and Applied Sciences "Development and validation of LC method for the estimation of Tretinoin in pharmaceutical dosage form" 2011,1(1),13-19.
- Der Pharma Chemica "Simple validated isocratic RP-HPLC method for estimation of Tolperisone in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form" 2011,3(5),13-19.
- International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry "Development and validation of LC method for the estimation of Gefitinib in pharmaceutical dosage form" 2011,1(3),338-341.
- Asian Journal of Chemistry "Synthesis of chalcones and flavanones in the absence of metal ion" 2007,19(4),2885-2890
- Dr.M.Murali, Associate Professor, presented a paper on "Synergizing holistic student Development and Sustainable goals-A Study of AICTE's SPICES Scheme" at International Conference organised by Institute of Human Security& Governance, Delhi, India during 16th-17th November 2023.
- At an International seminar "Recent Developments and Application of Physico-Chemical Characterization Techniques" in JKC College on 4th January, 2019 published a paper entitled "Excess Molar Volumes and Speed of Sound of p-methylacetophenone with Chloroethanes and ethenes" at 303.15K in KY Publications with ISBN No.978-93-87769-43-4.
- Green Chemistry-Advancements and Obstacles in related Techniques" in Journal of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN No.0974-2115 Sp. Ed.-1, Page No.48-50, K.R.K.Degree College, Addanki, Aug. 22- 23, 2014.
- At National seminar on "Recent trends in separation processes in Pollution control" at KRR Govt. Arts & Science College, Kodad, Telangana during 12th-13th July 2014 entitled "A review on air pollution Abatement Techniques & their advancements".
- Represented Jawahar Higher Secondary School and secured 2nd place in Dist. level Hockey Tournament at Kadampaluir Govt. High school, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, India during 1992-93.
- An annual associate member and an active volunteer of Youth Red Cross Society unit of National College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India during 1994-1997.
- Awarded with Dual Diploma in Computers by Lakhotia Computer Centre, Trichy, TamilNadu, India on 15th Nov 1996.
- Presented with a Gold medal by Siddhartha Academy, Vijayawada as the topper of B.Ed examinations during 2001-2002 held under Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P,India.
- QIP course-Spectroscopy and Characterization of New Generation Materials during December 14th - 18th 2020 conducted by IIT Roorkee.
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Novel Materials" from 5.10.2020 to 9.10.2020 at Pillai College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
- STTP through ICT mode on NBA Accreditation organized by NITTTR, Kolkata from 17.06.2019 to 21.06.2019.
- MOOC on Life skills for Engineers (Level II) offered by CEMCA and University of Hyderabad from 6th November 2018 to 20th December 2018.
- STTP through ICT mode on Outcome Based Education and Accreditation organized by NITTTR, Kolkata from 24.09.2018 to 28.09.2018.
- MOOC on Life skills for Engineers (Level I) offered by CEMCA and University of Hyderabad from May 15th to June 28th 2018
- AICTE Approved FDP on "Innovations in Renewable Energy Harvesting & Environment Friendly Process" at Dept. of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C.C.E during 23.10.2017 to 04.11.2017.
- AICTE Approved STTP Programme on Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching Learning Process conducted by IIT-Bombay Remote Centre at R.V.R. & J.C.C.E during 08.09.2017 to 12.10.2017.
- AICTE Approved STTP Programme on Foundation Programme in ICT for Education conducted by IIT-Bombay Remote Centre at R.V.R. & J.C.C.E during 03.08.2017 to 07.09.2017
- Short-Term Course on Ultrasound and its Applications at NIT, Trichy during 22nd-23rd Mar 2013.
- Member of Indian Liquid Crystal Society.ID: L-424
- Member of International association of Engineers.ID: 127298
- Member of Association for Chemistry Teachers.ID: LM1514
- Teaching and Education Research Association. ID: TERA-M19101640
- American Chemical Society: Community member: No: 32376771
- International Society for Environmental Information Sciences.
- International Society for Development and Sustainability.
- International Society for Research and Development.
Book Chapters Published:01
List of Patents published:2
- Dr.M.Murali, published a patent entitled "Machine Learning based Apparatus for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) of Flue Gas Discharged from Marine Facilities" No.202341079578A on 22/12/2023.
Email: mm@rvrjc.ac.in
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext: 241