Dr. K.Kalyani
(Download the bio-data)
Designation: Associate Professor
Date of Birth:06-08-1982
Date of Joining:09-06-2005
Total teaching experience in this college: 19 Years and 8 Months.
Total experience : 20 Years and 8 Months. (as on 14-02-2025)
Research Interests: Natural Products, Drugs
M.Sc., M.Phil.,PhD

No. of papers published in Journal:13
- Dr.K.Kalyani, Associate Professor, published a paper entitled "What is TADF(Thermally activated delayed fluorescence) compared to the mechanisms of FL (fluorescence),PH( phosphorescence), and TTA( triplet-triplet annihilation) based on a novel naphthalimide sulfonylphenyl derivative as a host" Journal of photochemistry and photobiologyA: Chemistry,Vol. 447,2024
- Dr.K.Kalyani, Associate Professor, published a paper entitled "Densities, Ultrasonic Velocities, Viscosities, and FT-IR Spectra of Binary Mixtures of Morpholine in Isobutyl Acetate, Formamide, and 2-Butanol" Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A Vol. 97 No. 13, 3028-36, 2023.
- Dr.K.Kalyani Assistant professor published a paper entitled "An Efficient Synthesis of 3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-pyrimidinones from Aldehyde bisulfite Adducts using Recyclable Wang Resin Supported Sulfonic Acid Catalyst" Letters in Organic Chemistry, January, 2022, 19(6),463-470. (SCI Journal).
- K.Kalyani et.al "An Efficient Synthesis of 2-Substituted Quinazolin-4(3H)-ones by Using Recyclable Wang Resin Supported Sulfonic Acid Catalyst" Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2021, 18, 1-7.
- K. Kalyani et.al "Validation & Forced Degradation studies for the determination of Erlotinib in Bulk & Pharmaceutical Dossage Form by RPHPLC" Journal Science, Technology & Medicinal 3(2), 44-53, September, 2016.
- K. Kalyani et.al "A Simple Stability Indicating Method development & validation for the simultaneous estimation of Naloxime hydrochloride & Buprenorphine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Dossage Form by RPHPLC" Journal International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Research 6(3), 206-222, June, 2016.
- K. Kalyani et.al "A Novel Pentacyclic Triterpenoid isolated form from Caralloma attenuate Root" European Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicinal Research 3(6), 342-344, May, 2016.
- K. Kalyani et.al "A Stability indicating RP-HPLC for the simultaneous estimation of Hydrochloro Thiozide, Amcodipine Besylate and Telemisarton in Bulk & Pharmaceutical Dosage Form" 32(3), 1631-37, April, 2016.
- K. Kalyani et.al "A Novel Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Sildenfil Citrate & Dapoxctine Hydrochloride in Bulk & Pharmaceutical Formulations", in the Journal of Derpharmacia Letters, Vol.7 (10), 98-106, 2015.
- K.Kalyani et.al. "A Stability indicating high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of cobicistat" Internation Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Analysis,3(4),117-122.
- K. Kalyani et.al " In vitro evaluation of anti oxidant activity of root and stem extracts of Caralluma Umbellata Haw (Ascepiadaceae) roots" International journal of natural products research2013,3(4) 115-119.
- K. Kalyani et.al "Novel Pregnane Glycoside from the Caralluma Umbellata Haw (Ascepiadaceae) roots" International journal of natural sciences research 2013,3(3),55-61.
- A paper presented entitled "Development of forced degradation studies of the drugs - Review" on 21st February, 2018 at J.K.C. College, Guntur.
- Dr.K.Kalyani, have been participated One week International level Online Faculty Development Program entitled "Modern trends of Organic-inorganic hybrid functional materials and their prospective in energy and environmental applications" (MOIHFEE-2022) organized by Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology. Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India from 9 th -16 th May 2022.
- Dr.K.Kalyani attended a STTP through ICT mode on "NBA accreditation" during 17th-25th July 2019 at RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur.
- Dr. K. Kalyani attended a two-day workshop on "Fundamentals of Instrumental Analysis-Theory & Practical Training Programme on NMR & HPLC on 26th-27th Sep. 2019 conducted by Department of Chemistry, JKC College, and Guntur.
- Dr. K. Kalyani and Dr. P. Venkateswara Rao attended one-day International Seminar on "Emerging trends in Chemistry & its allied Sciences" on 23rd December 2019 at Bapatla College of Arts & Sciences, Bapatla.
- Dr. K. Kalyani attended U G C sponsored one-day National Symposium on "Innovative Advances and Impact of the Chemical Elements for Sustainable Development" organised by Department of Chemistry, J K C College, Guntur.
- One-day International Seminar on "Recent Developments and Applications of Physico-Chemical Characterization Techniques" on 04th January 2019 organized by Dept. of Chemistry, JKC College, Guntur.
- A three day work shop on "Problem based teaching and learning of organic and analytical chemistry" from 11th to 13th July 2018 at Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guntur.
- One-day Workshop on Computational Methods in Drug Discovery on 27th February, 2018 at Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guntur.
- Three-day Workshop on "Problem based Teaching & Learning of Organic Chemistry" held on 31.01.2017 to 02.02.2017 at Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guntur.
- A Three day work shop on "problem based teaching and learning of organic chemistry"Organized by Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences during 31st January -2nd February 2017.
- A One day national seminar on "Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacokinetics" Organized by Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences during 28th January ,2017.
- Two-National Seminar on "March to Make-in-India through Engineering Advancements" organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering during 29-30th September, 2016 at R.V.R. & J.C.C.E.
- First Indo-African Conference on Global Trends and on-going development in Pharmaceutical Sciences organized by APP Andhra Pradesh State Branch in collaboration with "CHIPS" at CHIPS College, Guntur on 14.02.2015.
- Two-day seminar on the topic "Impact of Toxic Metals, Minerals & Solvents leading to Environmental Pollution sponsored by UGC-SERO conducted by Dept. of Chemistry, Govt.Women's College during 17-18th October, 2014.
- A faculty development workshop on "Classical and instrumental techniques in physical chemistry" organized by department of basic sciences and humanities Vignan's Nirula institute of technology& sciences for women on 21st - 22nd July 2014.
- AICTE sponsored National Seminar on "Advances in Biomaterials for medical applications" on 14th and 15th March 2014. RVR & JC College of Engg., Guntur.
- National Workshop on Instrumentation Techniques for Research in Science and Technology on 9th November 2013 organised by Department of Science & Humanities, Vignan University, Guntur.
- AICTE sponsored National work shop on "Nano technology -A fuel for Chemical industry" 20th and 21st September 2013. RVR & JC College of Engg., Guntur.
- DST sponsored National seminar on "Futuristic trends of nanocomposites and their fabrication" on 6th and 7th September 2013. RVR & JC College of Engg., Guntur.
- UGC sponsored National Seminar on "Solar energy Harvesting through Photovoltaic cells and storage" on 21-22, June 2013 organised by Physics Department, RVR& JC College of Engg., Guntur.
- An international seminar" open drug discovery" 2nd UK-India Med Chem congress. Organized by CSIR - Indian Institute of chemical Technology, Hyderbad on 22-23 March,2013.
- National workshop on "Modern analytical techniques for industry and environment (MATIE-2012)" at GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Srikakulam during 2nd & 3rd March 2012 organized by the Chemistry division of Dept. of Basic Sciences & Humanities and Dept. of Chemical Engineering.
- National Seminar on "Management of Environmental pollution" sponsored by Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board & R.V.R. & J.C.College of Engg., Guntur on 22nd March 2011.
- National Seminar on "Metal Matrix composites" sponsored by AICTE and organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, RVR&JC College of Engineering, Guntur from 29th to 30th September 2010.
- "One day Seminar &Work shop on HPLC system and its application" Organized by Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guntur on 08-08-2008.
- Induction Training Course conducted for young faculty on 25th& 26th July 2008 organized by Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) chapter RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur.
- Five day FDP Programme on National institute of technical teachers training and research from 17-6-2019 to 21-6-2019, NBA programme conducted by NITTTR, Kolkata in RVR&JC College, Guntur.
- AICTE Approved STTP Programme on Foundation Programme in ICT for Education conducted by IIT-Bombay Remote Centre at R.V.R. & J.C.C.E during 13.09.2018 to 18.10.2018
- AICTE Approved STTP Programme on Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching Learning Process conducted by IIT-Bombay Remote Centre at R.V.R. & J.C.C.E during 30.10.2018 to 13.12.2018.
- Attended British Counsel Teacher Training Programme on "English Communication Skills" at R.V.R. & J.C.C.E in association with APSCHE during 10-14th July, 2017.
- Attended an AICTE Approved FDP on "Innovations in Renewable Energy Harvesting & Environment Friendly Process" at Dept. of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C.C.E during 23.10.2017 to 04.11.2017.
Dr.K.Kalyani, Assistant professor of chemistry have been delivered a guest lecture on topic entitled "TYPES OF ORGANIC REACTIONS" organized by the Department of Chemistry (U.G) JKC College, Guntur on 15-7-2022.
List of Patents published:01- Dr.K.Kalyani, published a patent entitled "Machine Learning based Apparatus for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) of Flue Gas Discharged from Marine Facilities" No.202341079578A on 22/12/2023.
- Member of International association of Engineers.
- Member of Indian Liquid Crystal Society.
Phones: +91 8632288254 Ext: 241